Struggling to Get Back On-Track After the Holiday Break?

ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਿਤ ਜਨਵਰੀ 12, 2025

ਇਸ ਪੰਨੇ 'ਤੇ
Are you still struggling to get the family schedule back to normal after the holiday break? After a significant break from routine, it can take some time for the little ones to reset back to a normal routine. Here are a few tips to help young children get back on track.
  • For very young children and infants, sleep routines will likely be the first thing to work on. Quiet, dark rooms to sleep/nap in will help, as will consistent scheduled times. For older toddlers and preschoolers, it might help to also explain that you all need help getting back to a normal schedule, including bedtimes, naps and mealtimes. Then create a visual schedule or set timers on your phone to help you all stay on track. Celebrate each time you get a win: “Yay… we woke up at our normal time! Let’s have some strawberries with breakfast to celebrate!”
  • Consider a Digital Detox – after disrupted schedules and visits to family where screen time limits may have been hard to enforce, you may need to put some firm limits on screen time for everyone (adults and kids) to encourage creative play, family time, etc.
  • Two things that go hand in hand are increasing nutrition and reducing unnecessary sugar in the diet. This can be challenging after a holiday season full of rich foods and extra goodies, but two quick wins would be avoiding packaged foods and including more plant based options in snacks and meals.
  • Take advantage of our beautiful Ontario winter weather and go for regular walks or schedule daily outdoor play. Fresh air and active play help burn off excess energy and build a healthy appetite.
Above all, remember that getting back to normal will likely take some time, so come to the table with patience, hugs and as much consistency as you muster. And don;t forget to that parents and caregivers need a bit of TLC to get back on track as well..,  the kids weren’t the only ones whose schedules were disrupted!