BrightStart Caledon Family Centre has a new website!

Published October 16, 2024

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photo shows laptop on a table, open to BrightStart Caledon website and surrounded by childrens blocks spelling "play, learn, grow" and a coffee mug with #1 mom on it.

BrightStart Caledon Family Centre is excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website, The new website is a key part of the agency’s recent rebrand efforts that are tied to our organization’s strategy and longer-term vision to expand its reach and further their work with families and children. As the cornerstone agency for children and families in Caledon, the aim of the website refresh is to make it easy for our growing community to know who we are, what we do and how to find us. 

The Town of Caledon is navigating change and growth unlike any other time in our history. Increasingly, people are coming to Caledon to live and raise their families. With that growth, requests for BrightStart Caledon programs and services have increased in demand, complexity and diversity. The new websites’ fresh look and user-friendly navigation will assist families in accessing information regarding the FREE programs, services and supports BrightStart Caledon offers. 

“We are thrilled to unveil our new website to the public and provide an enhanced online experience for our valued families and community partners,” said Shelly Ives, Manager of Community Relations and Volunteers. “The site’s improved navigation and ease of use reflects our dedication to supporting the needs of our community’s children, parents and caregivers.” 

Some key features of the new website include: 

  • Enhanced accessibility features, including improved site navigation, translation services and an easy-to-use contact page. 
  •  A new location page, where users will easily be able to access BrightStart Caledon’s sites, including hours of operation, programs and events.  
  • Our brand new ‘Discover BrightStart Caledon’ page, where users receive an overview of what BrightStart Caledon Family Centre can offer your family. 

If you are a parent or caregiver with young children, check out the new website to see what BrightStart Caledon has to offer your family. Stay up to date with us by subscribing through our website to regular email newsletters, featuring vital news, resources and program information.