Complaints Policy

Published June 25, 2024

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The purpose of BrightStart Caledon Family Centre Complaint Policy is to outline the complaints and resolution process for the public regarding our services, operations, and facilities.
BrightStart Caledon Family Centre recognizes the importance of receiving complaints as a valuable form of feedback regarding our services, operations and facilities. The information gained helps improve the quality of the services provided by BrightStart Caledon Family Centre.
This purpose statement and the accompanying complaint and resolution process will be posted at all sites where services are delivered, both permanent and temporary, and published in all BrightStart Caledon Family Centre communications materials and consent forms. This includes both physical and virtual sites.

This policy applies to all individuals engaged in BrightStart Caledon Family Centre activities including service recipients, residents, people who work with or visit BrightStart Caledon Family Centre. Complaints may be received in person, by phone, email, regular mail, or by fax. Complaints may be submitted verbally or by completing the Complaint Form.

Complaint: A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction about the programs/services, facilities, operational procedures, staff or the action or lack of action taken regarding operations, facilities or programs/services provided by BrightStart Caledon Family Centre or by a person or body acting on behalf of BrightStart Caledon Family Centre.

BrightStart Caledon Family Centre is committed to a consistent process to respond to complaints received from members of the public regarding programs, operational procedures, facilities, staff or the action or lack of action taken regarding programs, operations, facilities or services provided by BrightStart Caledon Family Centre staff or by a person or body acting on behalf of BrightStart Caledon Family Centre. This policy and the accompanying procedures outline the process to be followed for the handling of public complaints. BrightStart Caledon Family Centre will respond to all complaints promptly, courteously, impartially and professionally.

Complaints and Resolution

1. The individual contacts the staff member or Team Leader of the specific service to express his/her concern(s).
2. A Complaint Form will be completed and kept on file for any complaint.
3. If these concerns are not dealt with to the satisfaction of the individual, the complaint is referred to the Program Manager and/or Executive Director.
4. The complainant will be advised that they will receive a call back from the Program Manager and/or Executive Director within three business days.
5. The Program Manager and/or Executive Director decides what specific actions will be taken regarding the concern(s).
6. The Program Manager and/or Executive Director will convey any follow up action taken to resolve the complaint verbally and/or in writing to the complainant within 2 weeks, unless extenuating circumstances do not allow for meeting this timeline.
7. For any situation that has high potential for public criticism as defined in Regional Business Practices Guidelines, a Serious Occurrence Report must be completed and submitted to The Region of Peel, in accordance with Regional Policies and Procedures.

BrightStart Caledon Family Centre commits to an annual review to ensure the policy remains relevant, effective and appropriate. Any concerns or complaints relating to this policy should be brought to the attention of the Executive Director.